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Justyna Okarmus



Scientific focus areas:

  • In vitro and in vivo disease modelling.

  • Experimental stem cell research (dopaminergic differentiation of human neural stem cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells).

  • Experimental rat model of Parkinson’s disease.



Current project:

Effect of USP30 inhibition on mitophagy in human iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons.


2020-present: Postdoc, Meyer group, Department of Neurobiology Research, Institute of Molecular Medicine, SDU, Odense Denmark.


12/2015-03/2019: PhD student, Meyer group, Department of Neurobiology Research, Institute of Molecular Medicine, SDU, Odense Denmark.


04/2014 – 11/2015: Research assistant, Illes group, Institute of Clinical Research, SDU/OUH, Odense Denmark.


08/2013 – 12/2014 : Research assistant, Gramsbergen group, Department of Neurobiology Research, Institute of Molecular Medicine, SDU,  Odense, Denmark.




07/2019: PhD in Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark. Title: ''Molecular and functional analysis of human dopaminergic neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells with familial Parkinson’s disease: Focus on PARK2 mutations using isogenic cells.''


02/2012: Master of Science in Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University (UJ) Medical College, Kraków, Poland. Title: ''Functional effects of new heterocyclic derivatives: their expected antipsychotic activity.''

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